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/Matt also put together helpful compilations of links to all of the SoSA's, arranged both by author and also by game system. I cribbed the links to my own adventures from these posts, but I added the parenthetical notes... mostly so I could remember which one was which!
0. Introductory post
1. Meet Cute (campaign kick-starter)
2. Athena's Crooked House (succubus in 4D weirdness)
3. The River, Riled (terrain is the villain)
4. In Soviet Union, Lock Picks You (sentient thieves tools)
5. Amonk Time (new take on an old class)
6. We Only Eat the Ones We Love (rakshasas in a casino)
7. It's Torture in Here! (fleshing out the oubliette)
8. Who's the Yahoo? (Houyhnhnms vs. Vogoraks)
9. The Earl of Mountebank (escorting a feaux-royal family)
10. The High Priest of Quackery (step right up and learn how to heal)
11. Bzzt! Thanks for Playing (non-adventure hooks)
12. Blood for the Black Widow (dwelf blood, that is)
13. Avalon Lost (intro to series on a post-Arthurian setting)
14. Avalon Lost: The Feckless Fief (Nu! No, that's Ni!)
15. Avalon Lost: Dragons and Giants and Haggis, Oh My! (random giant generator)
16. Avalon Lost: Isle of Wights? (mother of all whomping willows)
17. Avalon Lost: Tintagel Dystopia (megalomanaical king vs his saintly son)
18. Avalon Lost: The Fair Folk (the Unseelie have more fun)
19. The Vivimancer (possession and rock climbing)
20. Meteor Storm (don't make psionic aliens angry)
21. My Fathers Day Cake (someone's following the blueprint for a lich)
22. Pearls of Great Price (wavecrawl salvage ops)
23. The Tontine Revealed (ties together some loose ends)
24. Extended Training Montage (what to do while leveling up)
25. Who Mourns for Azathoth? (DM's guide to the gods)