Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tiny Harmonies: Adaptability

This week's tiny harmony is a haiku riddle:

left at the crossroads
by science, she takes a right
and calls herself art

Who is she?  Or, more accurately, who was she before she renamed herself?  And how does she relate to the theme of "adaptability?"  The only hint I'll give right now is to say that sometimes good fortune

may come to you in a form that you may not expect

Apologies if I'm being overly obtuse.  In a day or two, I'll do a follow-up post with the answer and a mini-review of a very special piece of writing that inspired all this.  (If someone guesses correctly, I'll expedite the follow-up.)


  1. Wow! I'll need to give that one some thought. I like the bottom photo a lot.

  2. I have an idea but am too chicken to hasard a guess, knowing that I am most likely wrong...

    1. Aw, it's okay. Your guess might be better than what I had in mind! :-)

      (I'm actually not sure I even gave the right kind of clues that would make this even "solvable." I might pull the trigger on my follow-up post as soon as tonight...)

  3. Nice, I feel that art and science are often part and parcel of one another.

    1. Thanks! When I talk to my fellow science-types about particularly nasty problems, the phrase "it's more of an art than a science" comes up frequently! :-)

  4. I have read this with the clock hanging over my head. I must leave to an appointment in fifteen minutes while I would much rather stay here and contemplate.

    The first words that came to my mind were, 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra,' (as my daughter is riding her bike outside without my direct supervision and the laundry room door was left open because I can hear everything in there and Sophie has just leapt onto the kitchen counter for the fifty billionth time though I have been trying to dissuade her consistently from as much. I can see her walking across and oop looked and she is licking the inside of my daughter's cup. Ooh, the goes the paw.


    Will be back tonight with quiet, time and concentration.


    1. Go, live life. Let the subconscious stew on it...

    2. Well, I am back. And I was thinking about this on and off in a back-brain sort of way on a somewhat hectic day and I'm still (half) frazzled and have no idea. :)

      I do, however, look forward to your explanatory post.

  5. I love this entry, too. I also enjoy a good riddle, but my brain musta shrunk overnight, darn it I got nuttin but a couple wise ass thoughts not worth expressing.

    1. :-) You saw my response to Ms. Provençal above... I'm not sure I'm all that great a riddlesmith. I hope it will all become clear once I post my follow-up.

    2. I wanna hear Susan's wise ass thoughts.

    3. No, ya don't. In retrospect, they're much more inane than wise ass.

  6. Very interesting haiku and then there is a riddle too !

    cheers, parsnip

  7. I'm awful with riddles, but I like your haiku very much. I think there could be a variety of right answers, none of which I can come up with at the moment.
